Our Vision, Values and Aims

‘Finding strength in God, soaring on wings like eagles’

Our Christian Vision

Our Christian vision is that all children and adults in school are able to gain strength from unconditional acceptancelove and careand, as a result, can flourish through opportunity and relationships, as fully-rounded, strong human beings, living life to the full with hope for a bright and satisfying future

 As a school with a Christian foundation and Christian vision, St Mark’s is completely inclusive, welcoming to, and accepting of, all. This includes people of the Christian faith, other faiths and no faith. 

Our vision is based on these words of the prophet Isaiah, found in the bible, and on the image of the winged lion, symbol of St Mark:

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31

Our Values


Underpinning this vision, and providing a solid foundation for behaviour, personal development and human flourishing, are our 15 Christian values:

Compassion, Creation, Endurance, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friendship, Hope, Humility, Justice, Peace, Reverence, Service, Thankfulness, Trust and Wisdom

 While we do not claim these values as exclusively Christian, we believe that the bible has a lot to say about each one. Our hope is that by learning and working in an environment where these values are taught, modelled and celebrated, all children and adults will be able to flourish. 

Each term we take one of these values and explore what the bible has to teach about it, what wisdom relating to it we can find in other teachings and faith traditions and how the value should impact on our behaviour in school. Our Code of Conduct and Behaviour Strategy are built around the expectations inherent in these values.

Adults and children can nominate others in school for St Mark’s Values Awards. These are the way in which the values are celebrated because stories are told of how they have been demonstrated in the day to day life of the school.

Although challenging, and highly aspirational, we see these values as a starting point and key criteria for action, development and strategic decision making. We are not perfect and mistakes are made, however we expect all adults in school to model these values to the best of their ability.  

Our Aims


Inspired by our Christian vision, and building on the foundation of our Christian values, we aim the achieve the following:

  • to lead and guide adults and pupils in relationships and activities, giving them agency to be able to flourish and grow

  • to support, recognise and celebrate the achievement and progress of all children

  • to develop effective learning behaviours

  • to encourage spiritual development and engagement with the big questions of human existence, supported by high quality shared community experiences in collective worship times and RE lessons

  • to keep children safe through the application of rigorous safeguarding policy, procedure and practice

  • to encourage progress, maintain high standards and constantly strive for improvement

  • to be a focal point, support and resource for the wider community

  • to take all opportunities for exercising ‘courageous advocacy’ locally, nationally and globally

  • to have close and mutually supportive links with the local church and other churches in Kendal

  • to develop strong links with other educational providers

  • to work openly and in partnership with the Kendal Collaborative Partnership (our cluster of local schools) and the Kendal Primary Partnership (the sub-cluster of local primary schools)

  • to be welcoming, accessible and actively encouraging of parental involvement

  • to participate enthusiastically in educational initiatives

  • to participate in a wide range of sporting and cultural events

  • to provide high quality, relevant professional development for all staff

  • to maintain the fabric of the building and its environment to ensure safety and inspire learning

  • to build our educational practice on recent, rigorous research